Elizabeth, a widowed, single mother in her early thirties, found herself depressed and confused. Besides the crushing loneliness, she faced the pressures of raising her little girl, without a father, to be a healthy and productive young lady. Liz says, “I went back to my roots and did the only thing I knew would help, I prayed.  I prayed for comfort and strength in my time of grief.  So many times, the Lord wrapped his arms around me and held me close to his heart, letting me know that He was in control and wanted only good for me and my daughter.”
God answered Elizabeth’s prayer. He healed her broken heart and, “brought me the most amazing husband, who is so void of jealousy and secure in himself that there’s never been competition between him and my first husband.”
Then the Lord led Liz and her new family to Covenant Life Assembly. “We looked for a church for quite some time and were left feeling like Goldilocks and the Three Bears.  One church was too big, one was too small, another just didn’t feel quite right,” Liz explains. “Then we started attending CLA through some friends and found something we never knew was missing.  We found a sense of community and for the first time ever, understood that a church is not some stuffy building, but rather a group of people with which to share your life.  We are so thankful for being welcomed with open arms and love our new church home!”
We are glad you’re part of our CLA family, Elizabeth, and we’re thrilled to proclaim that God is still in the rescue business.  
