“At CLA we have a plan for ministry that we believe God put in our hearts. It revolves around a concept we call The Three E’s...Life-by-Life.”
1. Exalt the Lord
Weekly Celebration
We will gather once a week for the purpose of celebrating what Jesus is doing in our lives as individuals and as a fellowship, with authentic worship and relevant teaching but without pretext or pretense.
Embrace Diversity
We are learning the benefit of assimilating people from other cultures. We are blessed when the Lord sends people from all walks of life, and we endeavor to love them like He loves them.
2. Equip Believers
Organic Small Groups
We will initiate and resource smaller meetings throughout our community in order to facilitate fellowship, discipleship, accountability and evangelism.
Raise up Leaders
We will strive to identify and equip individuals who are called and gifted by God to do ministry, and provide an environment in which they can grow in ministry. We will measure the growth of our fellowship according to 2 Timothy 2:2.
3. Expand the Kingdom
Transparent Relationships
We will always remember that we are people-saved by grace, but still people. We will joyfully acknowledge humility and ruthlessly confront self-righteousness. We strive to be real.
Enrich our Environment
We will constantly remind ourselves that we are a light on a hill. CLA exists to expand the Kingdom outside the walls of our building, so we will look for ways to be a blessing to the civic business, educational and public sectors of our community.