“And it’s clear enough, isn’t it, that we’re sinners, every one of us, in the same sinking boat with everybody else?”
A unique collection. A select group. Maybe just misfits. Covenant Life is a fellowship of people who have come to the conclusion that something is missing. Not like a key or a formula, but like a hole in our hearts and minds. Some of us are wealthy and some of us our poor. Some like fast songs, some like slow. Some comb their hair and some don't. In any case, you will fit in.
We meet every Sunday to celebrate the Lord's great mercy and to take part in each other’s joy and sadness. This may sound corny, but it is actually very liberating and life-giving. Most of us meet sometime throughout the week in smaller groups to have a more connected time of laughing and sharing.
This much is clear. We aren't perfect. We all have faults that we are still struggling with and problems that seem to have no solution. The irony, though, is that this is what makes CLA great.
Corporate Worship
Children's Services
Adult Bible Study
CLAY Youth Ministry
Royal Rangers (Boys)
MPact (Girls)
Small Groups meet at various
times and locations.